How can I get Tax Exempt status? First meet the requirements set above, then fill out the Form S-211 and return it to us.
What equipment do I need to get started?
We suggest, a starterhive or complete hive. A smoker, hive tool and some type of personal protection. to protect your face and hands. We would also recommend these books, The Backyard Beekeeper, First Lessons in Beekeeping and Beekeeping for Dummies. Get connected, With a State Beekeeping Association Check out our resources tab
What is the difference between a groove top frame and a wedge top frame?
The groove or wedge in the frame refers to the top bar. A grooved top bar has a groove for inserting your foundation. It is generally used with plastic foundation such as Pierco. Wedge top frames look similar, however, they have a piece of wood next to the groove that you would break off to install your wax foundation. The wedge piece is removed and your wax foundation is put in place. The wedge is then re-inserted and nailed in place. The purpose of the wedge is to give support to your wax foundation. Wax foundation will also need support from wire, support pins, or both. If you are using wired foundation with hook, the hook is placed so it goes around the wedge piece like a hanger on a rod.
How many nails required to assemble a:
4 – ¾” Nails
4 – ¾” Nails
2 – 5/8″ Nails
Can I use mothballs instead of Para-Moth® for wax moth control?
Mothballs that can be purchased in many grocery and discount stores should not be used in storing beekeeping supplies. Mothballs can contain a substance called napthalene that leave a residue on the equipment that will kill your bees. Para-Moth® does not contain napthalene, therefore it will not leave the residue. Para-Moth® should never be put into a hive when bees occupy it, and equipment stored with Para-Moth® should be completely aired out before being occupied by bees.
When do I need to feed my bees sugar syrup?
In late fall and early spring when there is no natural nectar available, you will want to supplement in order to keep your colony from the danger of starving due to the lack of stores. Sugar syrup is also used when feeding medications such as Fumidil B. When you are installing a new package or hiving a swarm, you will feed to medicate and to stimulate the bees wax glands to draw out the new foundation.
How do I mix sugar syrup?
The following proportions are mixed by volume depending on the season.
1:1, sugar to water for spring feeding
2:1, sugar to water for fall feeding
1:2, sugar to water to stimulate brood rearing ( to simulate a light nectar flow, make only 2 holes in the lid of the entrance feeder so bees will only receive small amounts at a time).
When mixing to feed medication, follow the package directions on the medication container.
What is the average life span of a honeybee?
There are 3 different kinds of honeybees found in a hive. The queen, who is responsible for laying eggs and colony morale, has an average life span of 2 – 3 years. Most queens however, live shorter spans of time due to the re-queening of hives by beekeepers. Drones are the male bees whose sole purpose is to mate with the queen. Drones are born throughout the active season of the hive so their life span depends on when they were born. If a drone successfully mates a queen, he will die in the act. If he is unsuccessful, and doesn’t die from old age, he will be evicted from the hive at the end of the season to die of starvation. Worker bees have an average life span of 4 – 5 weeks during the summer months when they are most active. Their life span depends on the amount of work done. She will actually work herself to death. In the fall and winter, workers will live for several months because they are less active.
How many honeybees are in a typical hive?
A strong, healthy hive would be home to approximately 40 – 45 thousand bees.
Why do I need to feed my bees?
In order to rear brood, a hive must have a source of carbohydrates (nectar, honey, or sugar syrup) and a source of protein (pollen). They must have both of these feed sources to begin brood rearing. In the early spring, before the natural pollen flow begins, it is wise to feed patties and sugar syrup to begin building the population of the hive. The goal of every beekeeper raising a honey crop is to have the largest number of bees possible in the hive when the nectar flow starts, early brood rearing is the key to achieving optimal numbers. AP23 can be fed in patty form by mixing with sugar syrup if it is too cold to fly or if the weather is nice and the bees can be out flying it can be fed dry in the bee yard. For your convenience, we have several types of patties available as a complete brood rearing food.