Formic Pro
$20.95 – $69.95
Free Shipping with orders over $150.
Formic Pro™ is the next generation in formic acid treatments for mites. Made of all natural materials, this product can be used during the honey flow. Unlike Mite Away Quick Strips, Formic Pro™ has a longer shelf life of 24 Formic 2 Dose – Pro™ is the next generation in formic acid treatments for mites. Made of all natural materials, this product can be used during the honey flow. Unlike Mite Away Quick Strips, Formic Pro™ has a longer shelf life of 24 months and no temperature requirements for storage. Daytime temperatures still must be between 50° F – 84° F (10° C- 29° C) when used. Strips are to be placed across the top bars between brood boxes or on top of a single deep hive. Be sure to wear the recommended safety equipment for acid. Treatment Options: • 14 day Treatment: 2 strips for 14 days. • 20 day Treatment: 1st strip for 10 days remove and replace with 2nd strip for an additional 10 days. May not be available at all locations. Please call for pallet pricing. *cannot be shipped outside of the U.S.