9 5/8″ Commercial & Better Hive Bodies- Unassembled
Our woodenware is manufactured from Ponderosa pine at our wood shop in Wisconsin. We grade our boxes selecting for Commercial & Better, Budget boxes have been selected out and may be available upon request.
- Handholds are taper cut for easy gripping
- Moisture Metered before cutting to prevent warping
- Uniform Interlocking Joints for strength
- Ponderosa Pine from the USA
- Manufactured In our woodshop in Wisconsin
- Uniform Frame Rests provides the proper Bee Space
- Pre-Drilled
- Nails not included, not assembled.
With New Lower Prices, Free shipping will not qualify
If ordering more than 15 boxes, call for a shipping estimate. (715)369-0383
** Main Photo does not have Correct Joints, but is a better representation of Grade. Better photos coming soon.